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The Jewish Journey: America

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Catalogue Number:  041850
Producer:  PBS Video
Subject:  Documentary, History, Social Studies, World History
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2015
Running Time:  60
Closed Captions:  Yes

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The Jewish Journey: America explores what it meant to be part of a tight-knit Jewish community and make the heartbreaking choice to leave family behind, whether for economic opportunity or to escape persecution. Incredible archival photographs and footage bring to life the personal stories of first to fourth generation Americans who took a leap of faith and made it to America however they could. 

Interviews with top scholars in Jewish history, notable Jewish-American writers, and many immigrants themselves detail the varied stories of migration through the last five centuries and an ever-changing "Old Country" (including South America, Europe, Russia, North Africa, and the Middle East), with a rarely-explored look at the actual journeys to get here. Narrated by Emmy Award®-winning journalist Martha Teichner, the film follows the trajectory of Jewish American life from the earliest arrivals in the mid-17th century through the impact of the Nazi regime in World War II, the creation of Israel, and the new challenges of 21st century assimilation. 

Extended Interviews include... 
- Rabbi Brad Hirschfield 
- Rabbi Malka Drucker 
- Martin Greenfield 
- Joseph Berger 
- Dr. Arnold Richards 

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