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Study Skills

17 title(s) found.

'A', 'An', and 'The': How to Use Articles in English: English...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM004

In this English grammar episode, Paul and his student examine the rules and patterns for using the...

Brain Traps: Problem Solving Skills

Learning Seed 200095

There are no "viewers" for Brain Traps, only participants. This highly involving video presents a...

Chair Pilates - Study Break Workout (Volume 1): Pilates Kids...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0188

Refocus, energize, learn better, and have fun with this innovative program that teaches kids simple...

Chair Pilates - Study Break Workout (Volume 2): Pilates Kids...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0189

In this second study break workout, refocus, energize, learn better, and have fun with this...

English Weirdness Series

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM000

Learn English. Solve its mysteries. English Weirdness is a video series that explores and...

How to Use Adverbs, Adjectives, and Prepositions in English...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM002

Are you confused by English prepositions, adverbs, and adjectives? Which is which? Is English...

How to Use Nouns as Adjectives, and How to Use Possessives in...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM003

Do you make false possessives? Want to use nouns as adjectives in English grammar? What is a noun...

How to Use “Be” verb in English: English Weirdness, Ep. 6

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM006

Teacher Paul and his student explore the problems that arise when students omit or drop the 'be...

I Can't Do My Homework, Why?

Human Relations Media 600330

Follow four students - Samantha, Kareem, Henry and Maria as they try to figure out why their...

Learn how to understand and use English Conditionals Grammar...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM008

Teacher Paul and his student investigate the confusing aspects of conditional syntax and semantics...

Modal (mis) Usage and the Weirdness of 'Could': English...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM001

‘Could’ vs. ‘Be Able To’: How to Use Modals in English Grammar In this episode, we...

Present Progressive vs. Simple Present Verb Tense: What is the...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM007

Teacher Paul helps a student resolve a conflict with her roommate by analyzing the grammar errors...

Stress: The Good, the Bad and the Healthy

Human Relations Media 600598

One-third of all teens feel some negative stress on a daily basis. But not all stress is bad. A...

Study Skills for People Who Hate to Study

Human Relations Media 600500

Many teens, especially those with challenges such as ADHD, struggle to complete out-of-school...

The Perfectly Uncanny Presence of the Past: English Weirdness...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM005

Need English speaking practice? We all do. How to Use Present Perfect and Present Perfect...

Unlocking Your Potential: Grit, Determination, and Mindset

Human Relations Media 600668

"I just can't do this." That's the reaction of too many teens when they face academic and personal...

Wacky Number Songs

Apartment 11 APT497

Wacky Number Songs is a series of songs about math-related concepts. Performed by Ava, each song is...

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