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Home / Ecstasy: Just How Dangerous Is It?

Ecstasy: Just How Dangerous Is It?

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Catalogue Number:  600287
Producer:  Human Relations Media
Subject:  Health and Medicine
Language:  English
Grade Level:  3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2003
Closed Captions:  Yes

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This video introduces viewers to the very real dangers of Ecstasy, an illegal substance whose popularity has exploded in recent years. Too many young people are misinformed about the dangers of this drug (also known as MDMA), which can produce euphoria along with dehydration, hyperthermia and death by overdose. As more young people begin to experiment with Ecstasy, it becomes more urgent than ever that teens hear the truth about this dangerous substance. Emergency room visits for complications arising from Ecstasy use have continued to rise alarmingly. Drug traffickers shrewdly package the tablets with "kid-friendly" logos that make the drug appear more harmless. Viewers of this timely video will learn everything they need to know to make the decision to stay away from Ecstasy. Teacher's Resource Book includes a variety of student activities to continue your class discussion.

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