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Accueil / Coast Gravity Park: underEXPOSED, Season 2

Coast Gravity Park: underEXPOSED, Season 2

This title is a part of the series underEXPOSED, Season 2

Numéro de catalogue:  AS0220
Producteur:  Animiki See Distribution Inc.
Agences de production:  Air Dog Media Inc. and Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
Sujet:   Indigenous Peoples
Langue:  Anglais
Niveau scolaire:  9 - 12, Post-secondaire, Adulte
Pays d'origine:  Canada
Année du droit d’auteur:  2014
Durée:  22:00

Demande de pré-visionnement

Mark Galllup, the Mentor, gives Mason his first mid-term exam, and sends him off to Sechelt, BC to shoot with his bros in a sport Mason knows well; mountain biking. If Mason can’t capture the perfect shot and make something happen, then it is right back to grade school on Gallup’s lesson plans.

underEXPOSED follows a team of action sport photo journalists and documents the adrenaline-packed challenges they face to get the shots and the struggles they have to find and sell the next big extreme sports story.

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