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Home / The Suspects: Behind the Pipeline Bombings in Northern B C (W5)

The Suspects: Behind the Pipeline Bombings in Northern B C (W5)

Catalogue Number:  CTV457
Producer:  CTV
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2010
Running Time:  20

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The Peace River country is a vast region that straddles the border between northern eastern B.C. and northwestern Alberta. In recent years it has seen a dramatic shift from agriculture-based economies to gas and oil development. This is especially true in British Columbia where natural gas is now the largest source of revenue for the province -- more than $4 billion in 2008 alone (the last year for which there are accurate statistics). But this lucrative source of income for industry and government can be difficult for many of the people who live close to the gas wells and the infrastructure. And those two worlds collided in the Dawson Creek, B.C. area 15 months ago when someone started blowing up gas pipelines.

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