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Eye For Design

Maple Leaf This item is only available for Canadian orders.

Catalogue Number:  200182
ISBN Number:  0-917159-45-4
Producer:  Learning Seed
Subject:  Family Studies/Home Economics
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2006
Running Time:  22
Closed Captions:  Yes

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Eye For Design is a course in everyday aesthetics. Its lessons go beyond mere "decorating" or "picking a wardrobe" and into the basics of perception, beauty, and the ecology of environments. Viewers learn that developing an "eye for design" involves understanding a few basics of perception.

Viewers meet an animated line who boasts he "has the power to control your eyeballs." They learn that lines lead the eye and influence feelings. They see that horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines each send differing messages. They learn that a careful selection of lines and shapes influences feelings.

Viewers learn:
  • How to create visual rhythm.
  • How to use patterns and repeating motifs in a design.
  • How to create designs that provide focal points that serve to reward the eye.
  • The message of angles and curves and how to balance the two.
  • How basic shapes (squares, circles, triangles) send differing emotional messages.
  • How to achieve visual balance and the difference between symmetry and informal balance.
  • The importance of scale, proportion, and the Golden Mean.


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