Outdoor Classroom/The Ya'axche Conservation Trust/Exploitation of the Tar Sands: Down2Earth (Ep 112)

Catalogue Number: AP0014
Producer: Aarrow Productions
Producing Agencies: Aarrow Productions Inc.
Subject: Documentary, Environmental Studies, First Nations Studies, Science, Social Studies
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2012
Running Time: 21:00
Closed Captions: Yes
Outdoor Classroom/The Ya'axche Conservation Trust/Exploitation of the Tar Sands: Two Aboriginal educators in Victoria, BC take urban students on forest hikes to learn about local Indigenous history.; The Ya'axche Conservation Trust in Belize is an Indigenous-led organization that co-manages the region's rainforests and educates farmers, local residents and visitors about the importance of preserving the local eco-systems.; Clayton Thomas-Muller is a Cree activist from Northern Manitoba who speaks out against the oil industry's exploitation of the Athabasca Tar Sands.
Filmmaker Bio: Barbara Todd Hager is a writer, producer and director. Her family traces its Métis ancestry to Red River, Fort Pitt and St. Paul des Métis Settlements. In 1999 she launched Aarrow Productions and it has grown into one of Canada’s leading Indigenous-owned media companies.
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