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Home / One Morning: The Daily 5 and CAFE in 1st Grade(K-6) Gail Boushey and Joan Moser and featuring Courtney Tomfohr

One Morning: The Daily 5 and CAFE in 1st Grade(K-6) Gail Boushey and Joan Moser and featuring Courtney Tomfohr

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Catalogue Number:  CL0020
Producer:  Choice Literacy
Subject:  Professional Development
Language:  English
Grade Level:  Educators
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2010
Running Time:  84

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A well-designed read aloud. . .
A carefully crafted small group focused on retelling. . .
A thoughtful conference with a child over the cross-checking reading strategy. . .

The elements of a strong literacy program all might look terrific when viewed in isolation.  But what do they look like integrated across a typical day of teaching and learning?  Gail Boushey and Joan Moser ("The Sisters") have stepped in front of cameras many times over the past few years to demonstrate how to use the Daily 5 management and CAFÉ assessment systems in K-6 classrooms.  Yet for all the videos they have produced, two questions come up again and again as they work with teachers:   

What does the entire literacy block look like in a classroom using the Daily 5 and CAFÉ Assessment programs?  

How does a teacher orchestrate teaching, recordkeeping, and observation of students, balancing planned instruction with spontaneous teaching moments?

To answer these questions, Joan and Gail visited the classroom of Courtney Tomfohr, a remarkable first-grade teacher.  They let the cameras run virtually uninterrupted as Courtney led three rounds of the Daily 5.  Courtney uses her CAFÉ notes to move adeptly between read alouds, minilessons, small strategy groups, and individual conferences, closing her morning literacy block with writer's workshop.  Joan and Gail narrate the video for viewers, providing insight into the instructional and management decisions Courtney makes within her thriving classroom of young learners. 

If you have mastered many of the individual elements of the Daily 5 and CAFÉ Assessment programs, One Morning will help you move to a fully integrated literacy block.  


1.   Read Aloud: Focus on Retelling
2.   Daily 5 Round 1 Check-In
3.   Small Group: Chunking
4.   Independent Work and Conferring
5.   Sharing and Read Aloud:  Focus on Tricky Words
6.   Round 2 Check-In
7.   Small Group:  Multiple Strategies
8.   Conferring:  Cross-Checking
9.   Conferring:  Flip the Sound
10. Share and Read Aloud:  Focus on Fluency
11. Small Group: Retelling
12. Conferring:  Response Journal
13. Conferring:  Connections
14. Conferring:  Expanding Vocabulary
15. Round 3 Share
16. Writer's Workshop:  Minilesson on Leads
17. Editing Conferences
18. Writing Share

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