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Home / Bingo's Bath: Manon

Bingo's Bath: Manon

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This title is a part of the series Manon

Catalogue Number:  SAR119
Producer:  Sardine Productions
Subject:  Animation, Arts, Character Education, Children's Stories, Early Childhood Education, Guidance, Health, Music, Nature, Science, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  PreK - 2
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2008
Running Time:  7:00

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Bingo the dog needs to take a bath, but he really doesn’t like them so he runs away. Manon and the farm animals search high and low for Bingo but cannot find him anywhere. When night begins to fall, they get very worried that their friend has left the farm for good. Upset, they begin to remember all the great characteristics and qualities of their great friend Bingo and how they will miss him very much. However, Bingo is hiding behind a door and overhears their conversation. What nice, lovely words they are saying about him!

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