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Early Childhood Education

1567 title(s) found.

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1 Minute in a Museum

Films de l'Arlequin A195-S01

3 kids, discover works of art in this sassy series of 1 minute videos. Rafael, serious and...

10 Viking Longship Facts: Vikings Series

Educational Voice 992021

This video presents 10 facts about Viking longships: 1. Viking longships were large, fast, and used...

1001 Nights, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB006

1001 Nights created by Big Bad Studios in Vancouver, BC is a wonderful series that brings the...

1001 Nights, Season 2

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB033

1001 Nights created by Big Bad Studios in Vancouver, BC is a wonderful series that brings the...

16 Hudson ER Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB000

Welcome to 16 Hudson ER, a series of Public Service Announcements about Health, Hygiene and Safety...

16 Hudson Fête Spécial Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB001FR

Bienvenue au 16, rue Hudson! Dans ce charmant immeuble d’une grande ville, tu pourras toujours...

16 Hudson Holiday Specials Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB001

Welcome to 16 Hudson. In this charming building, on a quiet street, in a big city, you can always...

16 Hudson Playlist

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB070PL

Welcome to 16 Hudson! In this charming building, on a quiet street, in a big city, you can always...

16 Hudson Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB070

Welcome to 16 Hudson! In this charming building, on a quiet street, in a big city, you can always...

16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB070FR

Bienvenue au 16, rue Hudson! Dans ce charmant immeuble d’une grande ville, tu pourras toujours...

20 Questions: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE057B

A villain sets off a backwards bubble and Ms. O, Otis and Olympia only have 20 yes/no questions...

2A: 16 Hudson Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB077

**This episode contains Audio Description** When Luc accidentally gets Sara's drone stuck on the...

6:00 to 6:05, Part 1: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE024A

In this two part episode, dinosaurs break out of the dinosaur room in headquarters and Olive and...

6:00 to 6:05, Part 2: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE024B

In this two part episode, dinosaurs break out of the dinosaur room in headquarters and Olive and...

A Case of the SIllies: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE051B

Dr. O gets an odd illness called the Sillies. Agent Oona and Agent Ocean must work together to brew...

A Case of the Sing-Alongs: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE011A

When Mayor Macklemore catches a case of the Sing-Alongs, Olive and Otto must discover the cause...

A Cat and the Hats Magic: The Jungle Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE477

It is time for a little magic in “The Jungle Room” as the kids put on their own magic show...

A Child Grows: First Year (Revised)

Learning Seed 200156

This video might be the best way to see infant development this side of becoming a parent. Our cast...

A Child's Mind: How Kids Learn Right & Wrong

Learning Seed 200299

How do people develop morals? What helps children distinguish right from wrong? Explore the topic...

A Day at the Beach: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON026

Ping and Pong find bossa nova to be the perfect music style for a day at the beach, as it’s...

A Day in the Life: Raven Tales, Season 2

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI025

As the villagers work hard at their chores, Raven works equally hard avoiding them. After escaping...

À dormir debout : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-09-34

Existe-t-il différents types de lumière ? Jack décide d'utiliser les rayons X pour surprendre le...

A Fistful of Fruit Juice: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE025B

Ms. O tells Olive and Otto the story of how she first joined up with Odd Squad. When Oprah used to...

A Flash of Silver: The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog Series

MUSE Entertainment MUSE73

Oakly the beaver is really upset. Someone destroyed his dam. Alfred's on the case and discovers...

A Gift For Grandma: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR016

Mia wants to help her grandmother go faster by fixing her wheelchair. With help from Marty, they...

A Helpful Friend


Parents of autistic children in Canada are finding an unusual support for help. They are turning to...

A Hula of a Story: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON011

Ping, Pong and Trix work together to replace a broken record for Mr. Prickles, using a ukelele to...

A Job Well Undone: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE055B

The agents compete to win Agents of the Month. Olympia and Otis are close to winning, so long as...

À la recherche de l'oie voyageuse : Luna, Bric & Poulpi...

Epic Story Media ESM157FR

Bruno est triste lorsqu'une oie blessée qu'il a soignée rejoint sa nuée pour s'envoler vers le...

À la rescousse des aventuriers : Luna, Bric & Poulpi...

Epic Story Media ESM187FR

Les Aventuriers promettent d'aider à résoudre trois problèmes différents : nettoyer les...

À la rescousse du Dugong: 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB076FR

Amala lance un centre de soins pour animaux domestiques pour lever des fonds afin d'aider un animal...

À la rescousse du lion de mer : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers...

Epic Story Media ESM128FR

Un cri à l'aide mène les aventuriers à un lion de mer coincé sur un rocher. Le trio de...

A New Friend: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON545

Misho and Robin are playing ball when the ball gets lost in the tree. Squirrel returns the ball and...

A Night at the North Pole: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR097

On a winter's night Manon decides to bring all the farm animals into the house to stay warm...

A Normal Life: 21 C


As awareness of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome continues to grow, the first diagnosed generation since the...

A Parent's Guide to Identifying and Responding to Childhood...

Magna Systems 520090

Terrorist attacks rank high on the trauma scale, but there are many other kinds of childhood...

A Puzzle of a Melody: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON013

Ping and Pong find a treasure map. PING AND FRIENDS, follows Ping and her friends as they find...

A Robot’s Best Friend - How Does a Remote Work?: Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-10-39

Chip bonds with an old robotic toy of the kids so the kids suggest Jack take the toy home with him...

A Schoolplay Named Disaster!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 2

Sardine Productions SAR059

Admiral Bubbles has perfected his electrified ink process which allows him to control paper and...

A Snail Tale: Earth to Luna, Season 1

Monster Entertainment MON499

Foggy mornings are better spent playing inside, and this particular foggy day Luna, Jupiter, and...

A Song for Snail Mail: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON047

Ping and Pong join together in their quest to find the ideal music for Snail Mail and in doing so...

A Sticky Situation - How Does Glue Stick Things Together? Jack...

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-13-51

Jack drops a tube of super alien glue which results in Yoki and Sam getting stuck together as well...

A Surprise for Mr. Mole: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR028

Mr. Mole offers Mia some modelling clay. Art is a great activity to showcase your imagination and...

A Three Star Mystery: The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog Series

MUSE Entertainment MUSE86

Razzy, a famous rating celebrity will be coming to Gnarly Woods to rate it. But after he is...

A Time to Learn: Wapos Bay, Season 1

HG Distribution HG0110

Talon and his father are planning an exciting trip to the trapline with mushom (grandfather). Talon...

A Touch Of Garlic - Is Garlic a Home Remedy? Jack, Season 2

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-04-16

Is garlic really a home remedy? Jack tries some garlic in an attempt to ease his cold, but the...

À toute vitesse : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM148FR

C'est la course de boîtes à savon de la vallée des Aigles et les Aventuriers sont prêts à...

A Traffic Mess: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON539

Misho and Robin are hanging out in the yard when three little Owls swoosh by, each riding its own...

A Trip to Paris: Aunty B's House Series

Headspinner Productions HESP15

Khadijah gets a beret from Paris, a place she thinks she’ll never be able to travel to. Everyone...

ABC with Kenny G, Season 1 (Playlist)

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB124PL

When night falls and the humans at 16 Hudson go to bed, grumpy Kensington rounds up his best animal...

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