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Unexplained Canada Series

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Catalogue Number:  KAR006
Producer:  Sean Karow
Subject:  Archaeology, Canadian History, Canadian Social Studies, Documentary, First Nations Studies, History, Indigenous Peoples, Social Sciences, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2022
Running Time:  132:32

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Unexplained Canada examines the fact, fiction and possible folly of some our nation’s mysteries. Rather than viewing a mystery with total belief or attempting to debunk it, Unexplained Canada presents many perspectives to encourage viewers to draw their own conclusions.

The series is hosted by noted author John Robert Colombo – Canada’s Mr. Mystery.

NOTE: This series was originally produced in 2006. The producer has updated graphics and visuals in this newly released 2022 version.

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