2220 title(s) found.« First « Previous 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Next » Last »
Underwater Adventure: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON558Misho and Robin travel to the seaside. Misho hurries into the sea while Robin wants to sunbathe...
Undetectable: How Stigma Has Gone Viral in the Fight against HIV
Snapshot Studios Inc. SNAP00Canada has the solution to end HIV infections and stop the world-wide AIDS epidemic. So why are...
Une culture de guérison: De cœur et d’esprit, Ep. 3
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC03FRLaura contemple la richesse de l'héritage et de la culture autochtone de sa famille et la façon...
Une pièce nommée désastre!: Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 2)
Sardine Productions SAR059FRAmiral Bubulles a perfectionné sa nouvelle invention, une encre exoquelettique qui lui permet de...
Unlocking Alex: W5
CTV CTV566Researchers have long preached the health benefits of spending time with animals, but can...
Unlocking Your Potential: Grit, Determination, and Mindset
Human Relations Media 600668"I just can't do this." That's the reaction of too many teens when they face academic and personal...
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV039Unmanageable is the unknown story of Canada's training schools and the generations of vulnerable...
Unsafe: Kids Matter; Inside the Minds of Tweens and Teens
Revealing Media Group RMG007A young filmmaker searches for answers in the aftermath of a school shooting. Unsafe is a short...
Unsinkable Silken: W5
CTV CTV615Olympic and World Champion rower Silken Laumann was associated with all the attributes of great...
Unusually Normal
2727185 ONTARIO INC. 272700Seven women, three generations, one family and countless secrets and lies. Meet Canada’s Gayest...
Uppers and Downers: The Facts About Stimulants and Depressants
Human Relations Media 600390Hard-hitting docudrama presents the facts and provides expert commentary on how abuse of stimulants...
Urban Native Girl Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0110Urban Native Girl is 13-part, half-hour, POV-documentary series that centres on Lisa Charleyboy; a...
Urban Rescue: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0697Edmonton, Alberta is famous for its hockey, beautiful river valley and massive shopping centres...
Vaping and Viruses: Your Lungs, Your Health
Human Relations Media 600702Vaping hurts your lungs and depresses your immune system - that combo may put you at higher risk...
Vaping: More Dangerous Than You Think
Human Relations Media 600639This video and print curriculum addresses the new craze of vaping drugs (nicotine, alcohol, liquid...
Venezuela: On fête ensemble
Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-12Luis Eduardo, qui est d’origine vénézuélienne, invite son ami Jack à un événement qui...
Veronica Rolls Up Her Sleeves
Supre Incorporated SINC08A dream wedding is something that Veronica had always wished for but never thought possible. About...
Victor Walk
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE015Victor Walk is about transforming victims of child sexual abuse into victors, because surviving is...
Vincent Van Gogh: Art With Mati and Dada Series
HG Distribution HG0003Mati and Dada find Dutch painter, Vincent Van Gogh’s lost paint brushes and help him recapture a...
Vincent Van Gogh: L'art avec Mati et Dada
HG Distribution HG0003FRMati et Dada rencontrent Vincent Van Gogh qui leur explique comment il s’y prend pour peindre ses...
Viral: Kids Matter; Inside the Minds of Tweens and Teens Series
Revealing Media Group RMG003Viral is a short fiction film that tells the story of a girl who will do anything to be more...
Visionary Gardeners Series
291 Film Company 291141Visionary Gardeners is a cinematic documentary series filmed across Canada. In the premiere season...
Vive le travail
ARTE France F196-048À travers 12 profils internationaux sélectionnés selon leur activité et incarnant des...
Vixens & Virgins... And Other Mythological Creatures
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI013Vixens & Virgins follows one mother's fascinating investigation into the lives of teenage girls and...
Volleyball (Newton's Laws of Motion - Inertia, Acceleration...
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE105Guest pro Kira joins host Nykeem, Dr. Heather in the Sports Lab and up-and-coming powerhouse Megan...
Voyage au cœur des égouts: Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 1)
Sardine Productions SAR048FRQuand Maman croit à tord avoir causé la mort d’Amiral Bubulles, elle le jette aux toilettes et...
Vulture Adventure: Pixie Fix and The Lost Dewdrops, Season 1...
Blue Ant Media BAM1392The episode opens with Tick Tock sneaking about in the sand. He is extremely hot, and he makes no...
Vulva: Every Body Curious, Season 2
Blue Ant Media BAM1411What’s the difference between a vulva and a vagina? Is it normal to have hair on my vulva? How...
Wacky Media Songs Playlist
Apartment 11 APT498Wacky Media Songs is an educational song-based series that inspires kids to get curious about...
Waiting for Justice: Discovering the Legacy of Île-à-la-Crosse...
Indigenous Geographic LM0033In this poignant 18-minute documentary, viewers are taken on a journey into the dark history of the...
Walking with our Sisters: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0702As of late 2013, the RCMP reported 1,181 Aboriginal women confirmed either missing or murdered...
Walking With Our Sisters: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0118Lisa explores the heart-breaking issue of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls. This...
Wallace's Lists
Weston Woods WW812by Barbara Bottner & Gerald Kruglik, ill. by Olof Landström (HarperCollins) Wallace, a...
Waltes: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory, Season...
Buck Productions 300106As some of the group struggle with their new diet, and lack of food, they must use the last of...
War Zone to School Zone
CTV CTV108Two students who have immigrated to Canada as refugees from Rwanda and Colombia describe how they...
Wardrobe Planning: Dressing for Your Body Type
Learning ZoneXpress 430179Looking for expert advice to dress your best with flattering clothing styles for all body types...
Warrior Lawyers: Defenders of Sacred Justice
Visions/Audrey Geyer AUGE00'Warrior Lawyers: Defenders of Sacred Justice' is a one-hour PBS documentary that is particularly...
Washing Machine Woes: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2, Ep. 1
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP210Ange’s trusty old washing machine is broken but she is not ready to let it go and learn to use a...
Weston Woods WW4014Written by Andrea Wang and illustrated by Jason Chin Gathering watercress by the side of the road...
Watermelon: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON540Misho and Robin are in the garden looking for the watermelon. After a few wrong picks, they find a...
Waterskiing (Centripetal Force): Sports Lab Series
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE119Nykeem teams up with Russell, an avid young waterskiier. With the help of Dr. Heather and guest...
Way Too Eager Beaver: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...
Epic Story Media ESM127When the Rangers take the Mini-Moosers on a camping hike, Chip is eager to get to their destination...
We Are Water Protectors
Weston Woods WW4007Written by Carole Lindstrom and illustrated by Michaela Goade. Inspired by the many Indigenous-led...
Weave (q̓ cam̓): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx Territory...
Buck Productions 300089Challenging terrain, hunger and homesickness are crushing the spirits of the adventurers. As the...
Wedding Day Limbo: The Lie Detective Series
Reel Girls Media REEL29A woman from Travis' past surfaces on Facebook and she's on a mission to sabotage his love life...
Weekend with Wendell, A
Weston Woods WW329by Kevin Henkes Quiet-as-a-mouse Sophie learns to assert herself during a week-end visit with...
Welcome to Drug Class: Drug Class Series, Season 1
Cooper Rock CPR001So you didn't know teenagers could be drug addicts and alcoholics? DRUG CLASS began in Regina High...
Welcome to Holland
Learning Seed 200254This program follows the journey of three families with special needs children. Through parents...
Well Rounded
Shana Myara SHAN00Shana Myara’s documentary focuses on fat and fierce babes in Canada who are using their...
Wellness: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1
Redcloud Studios RS0010Hosts Kris and Sarain share their experience of health and wellness. They meet with Traditional...