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Human Relations Media

451 title(s) found.

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10 Reasons You Should Never Try Vaping

Human Relations Media 600706

This brand new early intervention video and print program is designed to protect elementary...

1208 Sherwood: The Emotional Impact of HIV

Human Relations Media 600344

Follow the life of Edie Silver, a young woman who discovers she is infected with the HIV virus...

ABCs of STIs

Human Relations Media 600696

With over 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections every year, it’s more important...

Abusing Over-the-Counter Drugs

Human Relations Media 600319

Teen drug abuse isn't limited to illicit drugs. Many OTC (over-the-counter) drugs are misused by...

Addiction & The Human Brain

Human Relations Media 600347

Drug addiction is a disease of the brain, and teens are at highest risk for acquiring this disease...

Advertising, The Media and Your Health

Human Relations Media 600411

Today's teens are often labeled Generation M because of the extent that media saturates their...

AIDS Update: The Latest Facts about HIV & AIDS

Human Relations Media 600283

This timely program reviews the latest new information on HIV, explains precautionary measures that...

Alcohol & Sex: Prescription for Poor Decision-Making

Human Relations Media 600172

Many teenagers report that their first sexual experiences were associated with alcohol consumption...

Alcohol and the Developing Brain

Human Relations Media 600687

This program focuses on the short-term and long-term effects of alcohol on the still-developing...

All Systems Go: Energy Systems of the Human Body

Human Relations Media 600266

Program clearly demonstrates how ATP-PC, lactic and aerobic systems work together during physical...

All You Need to Know about Alcohol in 17 Minutes

Human Relations Media 600573

This fast-paced program spotlights the many dangers of alcohol. All types of alcohol-related health...

All You Need to Know about Drugs and the Teen Brain in 17 Minutes

Human Relations Media 600577

Based on the latest research, this fast-paced program explains why the teen years are a...

All You Need to Know about Drugs Series

Human Relations Media 600583

In this five video series students learn the hard truth about alcohol, tobacco, marijuana...

All You Need to Know about Marijuana in 17 Minutes

Human Relations Media 600575

Program summarizes the many risks of marijuana use. Viewers learn how THC attaches to cannabinoid...

All You Need to know about Prescription & OTC Drugs in 17 Minutes

Human Relations Media 600576

Teenagers often don't realize that the chemicals in Rx and over-the-counter drugs are just as...

All You Need to Know about Tobacco in 17 Minutes

Human Relations Media 600574

This program targets all of the essential details about tobacco; the top cause of preventable death...

Am I Normal? Teens & Emotional Health

Human Relations Media 600412

Today's students face an enormous range of emotional issues - worries about academic performance...

Am I Ready? Making Healthy Sexual Decisions

Human Relations Media 600571

In this edgy, true-to-life program, real teenagers and health experts talk frankly about the...

Amazing Kids of Character Series

Human Relations Media 600469

This uplifting five-part series highlights crucial cornerstones of character courage, empathy...

Anatomy of a Puff

Human Relations Media 600509

Using scientific facts and targeted humor, program alerts viewers to the variety of toxic...

Anatomy of a Puff (Interactive Whiteboard Version)

Human Relations Media 600509WB

Using scientific facts and targeted humor, program alerts viewers to the variety of toxic...

Are You A Bully? Bully Smart

Human Relations Media 600349

Kids can be bullies and not even realize it. Viewers learn that bullies are not always the kids who...

Asleep at the Wheel: The Dangers of Drowsy Driving

Human Relations Media 600382

Sleep deprived teens today are facing serious and even fatal consequences when combining drowsiness...

Athletes, Alcohol and Steroids: What's Wrong With This Picture

Human Relations Media 600348

New research has indicated that school athletes, both male and female, are at a greater risk of...

AutismVision: Creating Classroom Connections for Children with...

Human Relations Media 600451

AutismVision: Creating Classroom Connections for Children with Autism is a video presentation to...

Avoiding the Teen Pregnancy Trap

Human Relations Media 600419

Using a peer-to-peer approach, this program educates students about the risks of teenage pregnancy...

B Careful When U Txt: The Dangers of Texting and Sexting

Human Relations Media 600526

A nasty rumor spreads through school with lightening speed. A bully's taunt reaches its target...

B Careful When U Txt: The Dangers of Texting and Sexting...

Human Relations Media 600526WB

A nasty rumor spreads through school with lightning speed. A bully's taunt reaches its target...

Bad Friendships: Doing More Harm Than Good

Human Relations Media 600298

It is often true in life that we are judged by the company we keep. For middle-schoolers, finding a...

Basic Chemistry for Biology Students

Human Relations Media 600004

Detailed animation of chemical models introduces biology students to chemical concepts that are...

Basic Money Management: Road To Riches

Human Relations Media 600280

This upbeat program teaches the basic principles of money management and financial planning in an...

Bath Salts: The Deadly Facts

Human Relations Media 600581

Bath salts are the newest drug scourge to hit the US. They are currently available online, in gas...

Becoming an Organized Student

Human Relations Media 600429

This "edutaining" video introduces four young teens who lack organizational skills: Ethan stays up...

Becoming an Organized Student

Human Relations Media 600429WB

This "edutaining" video introduces four young teens who lack organizational skills: Ethan stays up...

Before You Hook Up: Dating Rights and Responsibilities

Human Relations Media 600612

For teens who are just beginning to date, knowing how to behave in a relationship can be tricky. In...

Benefits of Exercise

Human Relations Media 600645

This program focuses on the positive effects of exercise for both physical and emotional health. An...

Beyond Cold Turkey: Tobacco Quitting Methods

Human Relations Media 600296

This up-to-date video clearly identifies the major medical quitting methods that are currently...

Beyond High School: Strategies for Nontraditional Students

Human Relations Media 600432

A traditional four-year college may not be not the best option for many high school students...

Beyond the Looking Glass

Human Relations Media 600115

Beyond the Looking Glass: Self-Esteem and Body Image addresses a common dilemma among teens: how to...

Biggest Myths About STIs

Human Relations Media 600596

Using an engaging combination of student interviews, humor, animations and expert commentary by...

Binge Drinking and Blackouts: What Every Teen Needs to Know

Human Relations Media 600707

Binge drinking is the most common, costly, and deadly pattern of excessive alcohol use. This...

Binge Drinking! The Facts

Human Relations Media 600171

The trend of binge drinking--the intentional consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol--shows no...

Biodiversity: The Web of Life

Human Relations Media 600265

From the penguins in Antarctica to tree frogs in Costa Rica, to E. coli bacteria in the human...

Blow-Ups and Rages: Learning to Manage Your Anger

Human Relations Media 600538

Anger is a natural response to many of life's most troubling situations, but all too often...


Human Relations Media 600157

A hard-hitting, COPS-style look at the dark side of alcohol abuse. In three separate segments...

Brain Scans: Alcohol & The Teenage Brain

Human Relations Media 600234

This video takes teens on a tour of several labs across the country including one at the University...

Brick By Brick Series

Human Relations Media 600453

This comprehensive video and print curriculum gives young students the tools they need to build...

Broken Lines: A Story of Addiction

Human Relations Media 600684

Broken Lines is a true story of hope, transcendence, and ultimately victory over drug addiction...

Brush Up on Hygiene

Human Relations Media 600409

Young viewers will be entertained as they learn about cleanliness and good hygiene with zany host...

Bully Bystanders: You Can Make a Difference

Human Relations Media 600539

Most teens don't like to see their peers bullied but are not sure whether or how to respond. This...

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