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World History

782 title(s) found.

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Lafayette: The Lost Hero

PBS Video 041268

Lafayette: The Lost Hero tells the exciting story of this neglected and controversial figure and...

Landmines - Demining in Bosnia: Forbidden Places Series

Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL10

Enter the fascinating and macabre world of landmines - from their role as military weapons to the...

LAST BEST HOPE: A True Story of Escape, Evasion, and Remembrance

PBS Video 040842

What is the one principle or belief for which you would sacrifice everything? Ethical, spiritual...

Last Extinction: NOVA


What killed the mammoths? Near the end of the last ice age 13,000 years ago, these mighty beasts...

Last Stop to Armageddon - The Camp Hughes Story

Refuge 31 Films R31003

Last Stop to Armageddon: The Camp Hughes Story is a documentary that examines the First World War...

Le Baloutchistan: une région de plus en plus stratégique

CinéFête F259-S10-05

Le Baloutchistan est une région dont on entend rarement parler. A cheval sur 3 pays, Iran...

Le marchand de sables

Productions Grand Angle F173-029

Dans le nord du Canada, la terre des Indiens abrite le plus grand projet industriel au monde...

Le monde de Xi Jinping (2021)

Arte GEIE F269-014

Xi Jinping, leader chinois le plus puissant depuis Mao, dévoile ses ambitions pour la Chine et...

Le tireur d'élite

Film Riel Inc. RTV064

Lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclate en 1914, le 90th Winnipeg Rifles est l'un des premiers...

Lebanon, Revolution of Despair

Flair Production A196-029

Thirty years after the civil war, as the first signs of a major economic crisis emerged and the...

Legacy: The Lost World of Joseph Banks Series

Pilot Productions 555020

Episode 5," Legacy" examines Banks fragmented and sometimes forgotten legacy, and the mystery...

Legends vs Modern Icons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1265

They were impressive at their time. Even gigantic and unique. And they are still legends today. But...

Les ailes du courage

Sound Venture SVP033

L'aviation a connu des progrès techniques et tactiques fulgurants pendant la Première Guerre...

Les Alpes Maritimes vues du ciel: Les vues du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-04

Pour les uns, c'est juste l'arrière-pays. Juste un paysage méconnu, quasi-oublié en retrait à...

Les Canadiens français et la Première Guerre mondiale


Les professeurs Marcel Martel, Colin Coates et Roberto Perin discutent de la guerre du point de vue...

Les conquérants du froid

CinéFête F196-S03-02

Dans le sillage de Jacques Cartier, suivant  l’itinéraire de son second voyage : celui qui lui...

Les conquérants du grand océan

Productions Grand Angle F173-033

L’Océanie, le cinquième continent, 25 000 km2 d’Océan Pacifique parsemé d’états...

Les grands explorateurs

Productions Grand Angle F173-001

La série Les grands explorateurs nous décrit comment les cartes de l’Amérique et du Pacifique...

Les incendiaires de la mémoire - négationnisme, la face...

CinéFête F296-004

Ce documentaire décrit les mécanismes profonds du négationnisme des génocide. Yves Ternon...

Les routes de l’esclavage

ARTE France F196-S04

C’est l’histoire d’un monde où les traces d’esclaves a dessiné ses territoires et ses...

Les Soeurs de Nagasaki

HG Distribution HG0104FR

Le 9 août 1945, une bombe atomique explose au-dessus de Nagasaki. Prisonnier des Japonais, un...

Les tireurs d'élites


Lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclate en 1914, le 90th Winnipeg Rifles est l'un des premiers...

Les trains de la vie

Productions InformAction inc. F83-037

Présenté sur les ondes de RDI, le 16 décembre, dans le cadre des «Grand Reportages».Kees...

Les vues du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S03

Cette série présente, vues du ciel, différentes régions du monde. Les images sublimes, prises...

Lethal Weapons: The Future of Drone Wars

Autentic GMBH AUT040

The war in Ukraine shows that combat drones are becoming increasingly intelligent, more autonomous...

Liban, la révolution naît des entrailles du chagrin

Flair Production F196-047

Trente ans après la guerre civile, alors que surgissent les prémices d’une crise économique...

Liberté, égalité, accommodements

Productions Erezi F97-003

Le 27 janvier 2007, le conseiller municipal André Drouin fait sensation en publiant un manifeste...

Libertés en S'Habillant: Une Histoire du Look

The Taxi Brousse Company TBC012FR

En 1900 commence la fantastique histoire de la libération du corps. Avec la Première Guerre...

Libye les raisons du chaos

CinéFête F259-S10-30

Depuis la chute de Kadhafi en 2011, la Libye connaît une instabilité politique profonde et...

Living in the Shadow

Guerrilla Films GF0001

The story of a group of ordinary people who committed extraordinary acts of generosity in the...

Lost at Sea: Mysteries from Above, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1509

A satellite image reveals the remains of an old shipwreck near a remote South Pacific island...

Lost Venice: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1209

The old Venice is no more. The rising sea-level, overabundance of tourists and high cost of living...

Luxor: John Torode's Middle East Series

Blue Ant Media BAM989

John is in Luxor in central Egypt, an ancient city on the banks of the river Nile. John can’t...

L’influenza démasquée

Sound Venture SVPF482

À l’occasion du centenaire de la grippe espagnole de 1918, le documentaire L’influenza...

Magellan: The Explorers Series

Productions Grand Angle A173-001_C02

Magellan: The exploration of the oceans and of new worlds often ends with disappearances, voyages...

Maize: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED04

Maize, also known as corn, is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern...

Malta: John Torode's Middle East Series

Blue Ant Media BAM992

This week John is in Malta, a surprising stop on his Middle Eastern tour. John soon finds out that...

Mardi Gras - History, Traditions and Celebrations: Holiday Kids...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0135

Learn all about the holiday of Mardi Gras. What is "Fat Tuesday"? What is Ash Wednesday? How is...

Marie Antoinette

PBS Video 040788

Her name is synonymous with the French monarchy and all its excesses, but there is more to the...

Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World

PBS Video 041885

Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World Narrated by Hugh Bonneville (Downtown Abbey), the...

Mayan Ruins: Archaeology for Kids

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0333

Learn all about the Mayan Ruins.  How have recent advances in technology facilitated the discovery...

McAbee: Dino Trails. Season 2

Brandy Y Productions BYP059

Explore Eocene Epoch fossils at The McAbee Fossil Beds Heritage Site in British Columbia. It was...

Meet the People from The Deep - Mexico: Native Planet Series -...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0782

Travel deep into the remote Mezquital region of Northern Mexico where once forgotten indigenous...

Messengers to the West: Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR102E

The Bible’s book of Acts recounts the Apostle Andrew’s presence at Pentecost, and Peter as the...

Metals: Art of Craft Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1432

In this episode we meet the masters of metal – men and women who pit their human hands on one of...

Milan, The Fashion City: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1212

As the most progressive city in Italy, it’s not surprising that Milan attracts world-renowned...

Military Mysteries: Mysteries from Above, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1502

Military mysteries are revealed from above; a Nazi weapon in Northern France designed to turn the...

Millet: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED05

A key ingredient of bird seed in the West, this ancient gluten-free grass is a staple food in many...

Misfires: Bomb Girls, Season 1, Ep. 2

MUSE Entertainment MUSE12

After an accident during bomb testing which leaves a factory worker, Archie Arnott, critically...

Monks of The Golden Triangle

CinéFête A259-S03-04

Fast as the wind, a group of young monks gallops through the wild forest in northern Thailand...

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